Suggestion needed
I am writing a QML that will read a bunch of rectanges (configuration such as widht, height, color, x, y) from a .txt file , and show it in GridView. I want to keep a option to either fill each rectangle with some text, or some image. Input on what needs to go in the rectanges is also part of .txt file.
Here are sample Entry of the rectangle.txt
Rectangles:width 10, height 20, x 0, y 10, isImage yes,color red, source ./abc.jpg
Rectangles:width 110, height 120, x 10, y 110, isImage no,color yellow, source blah_blah
@Internally I store the configuration of each Rectangle in a class object called "CRect". Based on the row, and column, I populate the model (name of model=rectangles). My model stores the complete .txt data as a 2 D Array QVector<QVector<CRect*> >.
I am partially done with a delegate(name of delegate RectDelegates) that will read the rectangles and
does the painter job.Being novice to QT and QML, I am confused as to how I will stitch these 2 things together in a GridView. I tried putting things together in a QML, but it didn't worked. Is GridView the right choice?
Here is my QML:
import QtQuick 1.1
import FileIO 1.0
// RectData is Interface to get Filename form QML and Populate the Model
import RectData 1.0Rectangle {
id: main
width: 360
height: 360Text { id: mytxt text: qsTr("Hello World") anchors.centerIn: parent } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { Qt.quit(); } } FileIO { id: reader source: "./rectangles.txt" onError: console.log(msg) } RectData { id: rectangles } GridView { id: mygrid x:0 y:0 width: main.width height: main.height model: rectangles delegate: RectDelegate // ......... how do i show the rectangles ?? // Repeater { } Component.onCompleted: { width = main.width height = main.height // this line below shows the rectangle information in my main window. It works! mytxt.text = // this line below loads the rectangle informaiton into my model. It works. qDebug() prints it correctly! console.log (rectangles.populate(mytxt.text, width, height)) mygrid.focus = true } }