1 Database + 2 Models + 2 Views
Hi all
How do I get two QSqlTableModels, both using the same database, to update based on the other? I may be doing this wrong, but I am using a QDataWidgetMapper to drive a set of widgets on one dialog. So that means I need a model that is always looking at the same table in the database.
I have another view that I want to be able to change tables, so that requires a different model, as far as I know. I am using the same database connection for both models...perhaps this is wrong.
I presume that I can't use the same model to display a different table in two different views.
When the mapped ui items update their model, I would like the values to be updated in the second model (if it has the same table selected, obviously). And vice-versa. However this doesn't happen.
How do I accomplish this?I have tried reselecting both the models but this doesn't seem to help.
Many thanks for your help!
Both the models are set to use QSqlTableModel::OnFieldChange as their editStrategy
The mapper is set to DataWidgetMapper::AutoSubmit
Interestingly when the non-mapped tableview is edited, the results are seen in the mapped widgets, but only if I use the previous and next buttons I've set up to call toNext and toPrevious. I.e if I'm at the first record, I hit next, but it takes me to the new first record rather than the second.
Edit Two:
I've created two slots for the dataChanged signal of each model, and neither gets hit..? -
When the mapped ui items update their model, I would like the values to be updated in the second model (if it has the same table selected, obviously). And vice-versa. However this doesn’t happen.
How do I accomplish this?
[/quote]Unfortunately, there's no standard way a SQL model can know when the underlying table was modified (by another model, or in general by some external modification). You have to write a workaround.
For example:
- If your DB supports notifications, you can use QSqlDriver::subscribeToNotification and call "NOTIFY" in a trigger, which will cause the QSqlDriver::notification signal emission; in a slot, you can simply ask the model to select() again.
- If your DB doesn't, you can for instance make some trigger to add a row in a table, and from your Qt code you poll that table.
OK. Thanks for the those. Notify sounds like a way forwards.
I've been trying a few other options, following is the simplest:If I am using the mapper I now set the other view to use the same model. So now there's one model, two views. Simples, right?
One view is a tableview, the other a set of widgets using a mapper.Still, things are not as I expect. I followed the books example, and connected the tableview rowchanged signal to the mappers setcurrentmodelindex. This changes the selection in the mapper if I select a row in the tableview.
If I alter anything in the tableview, it is reflected in the mapper widgets, when I click in a different cell (not when I hit enter)
But if I change anything in the mapper widgets, only the first change is reflected in the tableview. Ideas?Edit: working now. I changed to QSqlRelationalTableModel from QSqlTableModel and all seems fine.