QCombobox in table widget
I don't know what you want to do, but often it is better to use a "QStyledItemDelegate ":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/qstyleditemdelegate.html for these kind of things. I have written a wiki article "Combo Boxes in Item Views":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/Combo_Boxes_in_Item_Views that demonstrates the principles.
I have write this:@
QComboBox *combo;
for (int i=0;i<ui->tableWidget->rowCount();i++){
combo = new QComboBox;
@there is a way to pass the combo name so i can get the row number?
[EDIT: code formatting, please wrap in @-tags, Volker]
You can get the sender object by calling "sender() ":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/qobject.html#sender, it returns the sender of the signal that caused the calling of this slot (if there is any). If the slot was not called via signal/slot connection (eg. you can call every slot directly from your code), the method returns a null pointer. So check it!
In you slot you can do something like this:
void myClass:fancySlot()
QObject *s = sender();
QString senderName;
senderName = s->objectName();// check for set sender name her and process further
@But do you really need all the combo boxes in the table at the same time? Or do you need them only to change a value if the user wants to edit the data? If you need the latter, you're better off with the item delegate approach mentioned in my former comment.