I-beam remnants in QLineEdit after clear() function
I am having problems with I-beam remnants in QLineEdit widgets. I have several QLineEdit's in a main window. If they have any text in them when I use the clear() function (on each of them sequentially), I am left with an unblinking I-beam at the beginning of the box for each of them. One tip which I have already tried, is to sequentially setFocus through all of them. This worked for one program, but not for the current program. If I manually sequence through the widgets, the I-beam blinks, then disappears when moving on to the next one. This works for both tab and mouse use. Each LineEdit is part of a separate GroupBox, and the whole main window was made with Qt 4 Designer.
I am using Qt 4.6.2 under ubuntu 10.4.Does anyone have a suggestion, or a permanent fix?
Bug report has been generated. Here is the link: http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-12737