Build QT5 static on linux
Hello ,
After trying to generate static QT5 'm having problems running my application . The following error is displayed :
QFactoryLoader :: QFactoryLoader ( ) ignoring " org.qt - project.Qt.QPA.QPlatformIntegrationFactoryInterface.5.2 " since plugins are disabled in static builds
This application failed to start because it Could not find or load the Qt platform plugin " xcb " .Reinstalling the application may fix this problem .
AbortedEvaluating sources QT5 found the passage that displays the message on the console:
Method: QFactoryLoader :: update ( )
Q_D ( QFactoryLoader );
if ( qt_debug_component ()) {
qDebug ( ) << " :: QFactoryLoader QFactoryLoader ( ) ignoring " << d - > iid
<< " Since plugins are disabled in static builds" ;
}This section is only displayed when the build is static .
I'm using the modules Qt5Core , Qt5Gui , Qt5Widgets , Qt5Xml , Qt5Network , Qt5Svg , Qt5X11Extras .
The QT5 can be generated in all static linux using these Modules ?
Thank you.