Realtime plotting by using Qt and Qwt?
Hello everyone,
I am very new to this Qt development. My current task is to implement a plotting window, which can do real-time bit stream (+1/-1) dynamic plotting. I actually have done the similar job by using Python and Matplotlib, but the testing shows that the Matplotlib tool is a little slow. I will easily get overflow issue when the plotting function is running.
I did some search online, and people mentioned that Qt and Qwt has a better performance than Matplotlib. Can anyone give any comments?
I am completely new to Qt. I just downloaded the .run file. ( I am using Ubuntu OS ) But I don't know how to do the installation and how to start using Qt and Qwt. It looks like there are some examples in the download, How can I start running it? I can not find tutorial for beginners, can anyone give me any useful links?
Thank you very much.
first you acually need to run the installer and install Qt. Then you have to add path to qmake (as f.e Qt-5.1.1/bin in your bash). After that you should be able to run QtCreator and build/run the Qt examples.
Next, you need to download QWT, unzip and run "qmake". Then call "make" that will create the qwt lib ( . Then you should install Qwt as a feature to include qwt in you project (.pro file) with adding CONFIG += qwt.
Qwt comes with a lot of examples so you should build and run those. To do so you can open "" where you can choose which example you want to build and run.
Hope this helps a bit,