OS X. Rectangle blinks while resizing
I created a very simple QML file MyRectangle.qml. Its content is:
@import QtQuick 2.0
Rectangle {
id: root
width: 300; height: 500
color: "green"Rectangle { id: child height: root.height / 2 anchors { top: parent.top; left: parent.left; right: parent.right } color: "blue" }
@If I run the file with qmlscene on Windows everything goes fine. But when I run the same on OS X 10.7 (on virtual machine):
> qmlscene MyRectangle.qml
I got strange weird blinking when I try to resize a window. I recorded the blinking. It can be seen on this video: http://youtu.be/8psqoRixSzI
This strange behavior reproduces only on OS X. Unfortunately I can't test it on real MacBook therefore I test it only my virtual machine.
Here is my specs:VM: VMWare Workstation 9.0.1
Guest OS: OS X 10.7.1
Qt: 5.1.1So does anybody face this problem or this is a known bug? Could anybody tell me what am I doing wrong?
For anyone who might be interested I got rid of the annoying flittering by adding multi-sampling to qlmscene:
> qmlscene --multisample MyRectangle.qml
Everything re-sized smoothly but slowly distinctly with this option turned on.
By the way you can enable multi-sampling on QWindow class and its derivatives in your application by customizing its format:
@QQuickView view;
QSurfaceFormat surfaceFormat(view.format());