How to minize/hide app with QML?
Is it possible to minimize or hide application with QML so that it would e.g. display task switcher on N900? Qt object seems to only contain method for quitting?
You can expose your top-level window to QML:
QDeclarativeView *view = new QDeclarativeView(this);
view->context()->setContextProperty("mainWindow", this);
}@And then from QML, for example:
@MouseArea {
onClicked: mainWindow.showMinimized()
}@ -
Thanks for a quick response. Any easy method to do this in Qt Quick Application where QmlApplicationViewer code is generated automatically?
I was able to add this to QmlApplicationViewer constructor:
engine()->rootContext()->setContextProperty("mainWindow", this);
...but when I call either mainWindow.hide() or mainWindow.showMinimized() in QML then the application quits and doesn't go in to background as expected on N900. -
For generated QmlApplicationViewer, try something like this:
@int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QmlApplicationViewer viewer;/* publish viewer class to QML */ viewer.rootContext()->setContextProperty("QmlApplicationViewer", (QObject *)&viewer); viewer.setMainQmlFile(QLatin1String("qml/CurrentAppli/main.qml")); viewer.showExpanded(); return app.exec();
@And then in your QML file:
import QtQuick 1.0Rectangle {
id:screen... onSomeEvent { QmlApplicationViewer.hide(); } ... onSomeEvent { } ...
let me know if this is working for you.
Bill -
billouparis, it worked for me, thanks!
I had to add <QDeclarativeContext> for it to work.
Also, it doesn't give good code completion :(
But it works...I used QmlApplicationViewer.showMinimized(); //because hide() - hides it in the processes