[help!] QGraphicsScene background image manipulation - adding the margin next to the background image
Hello Qt deveopers :).
I have some problems regarding the QGraphicsScene image manipulation.
However, before describing my main problem I would like to ask You about different issue: some time ago I had registered here and today I wanted to log-in with that old account. I forgot my password so I followed the "password reseting" procedure, but it failed. I received an email with a new temporary pass but after typing it Qt-project web shown the login error... I reseted the password for 4 times but unsuccessfully... Do You know how to fix this?
Regarding my problem with the image: I have created the scene, view and some items placed on the scene. I set the background image with following way:
QString m_strBackgroundPath("/home/pic.jpg");
QImage oImage( m_strBackgroundPath );
m_pScene->setSceneRect( oImage.rect() );
m_pScene->setBackgroundBrush( oImage );
@So far everything is fine: the picture is painted in the background, the items are painted/shown "on" this picture and everything is presented in the view.
But, sometimes, for certain items I would like to show a little information in the right side of the view. The information is shown in some-kind of information widget. The problem is that this information widget may overlap the item. In such case I would like to move the whole scene with all items to the left, so the focused item would be still visible. I figured out that in the right side of the scene I can add some margin and then "move" the view. I tried to extend the scene rectangle to the right with the following code:
QRectF myGraphicsScene::sceneRect() const
const QRectF oSceneRect = QGraphicsScene::sceneRect();
QRectF oAdjRect(oSceneRect);
qDebug() << "CPTGraphicsScene::sceneRect()" << oSceneRect << oAdjRect;
return oAdjRect;
@and draw the margin this way:
@void myGraphicsScene::drawBackground(QPainter* pPainter, const QRectF& rRect)
QBrush oBrush = backgroundBrush();QRectF oRect( rRect.x()-rRect.width(), rRect.y()
, 150, rRect.height() );
qDebug() << "CPTGraphicsScene::drawBackground!" << rRect << sceneRect() << oRect;if ( oBrush.style() != Qt::NoBrush )
pPainter->setBrushOrigin(0, 0);
pPainter->fillRect(rRect, oBrush);
pPainter->fillRect( oRect, Qt::red );
}//END drawBackground()@Value "150" is just for tests here ;). Unfortunately this doesn't work... :(
Do You have any idea what I'm doing wrong...
I would be grateful for any hind and advice.
Robert :)
the rRect parameter is the exposed rectangle in the scene. I believe you want the background image as the scene background, meaning it should scroll with the items?
try this:
void myGraphicsScene::drawBackground(QPainter* pPainter, const QRectF& rRect)
QBrush oBrush = backgroundBrush();
QRectF sceneRect = this->sceneRect();pPainter->save(); pPainter->setClipRegion( QRegion( rRect.toRect() ) ); //just some optimization pPainter->fillRect( sceneRect, Qt::red ); //you may optimize this line pPainter->fillRect( sceneRect.translated(-150,0), oBrush ); pPainter->restore();