How to pass "this" from a QML element to a JS Function
I'd like to either have a QML element to pass itself into a JS function, or have it set a property on another element to itself. Is this possible?
For example:
id:theParentproperty var theElement
MouseArea {
onClicked: {
@In this case, the whatGoesHere would be the instance of SomeElement where these are being set.
Is this possible in QML?
Just pass the QML Component ID (theParent or theChild).
yes but if you define SomeElement in a separate file and want to also define this functionality in that file, then you will not have access to a specific instance's id value.
Is there a generic keyword available instead? I was hoping for a property on Component but couldn't find anything apparently suitable.
Also suppose you are generating SomeElement dynamically.
Sure, that is how QML works: stuff from different QML files is not visible. All you can do is to make sure the var is passed to the root item of the file: then it will be visible as a property to other files that include that component.
As for dynamic generation: no worries, the instantiation methods return the component object, so you can use it straight away. When you instantiate in Loader, on the other hand, you need to use the "item" property.
The problem is that you are suggesting I pass the actual value of the id, such as theChild, but at the place in the code where I may wish to do this, i.e. in a separate QML file that defines only what SomeElement is, but has no knowledge of any particular instance of SomeElement, then I do not have an id value to use. I consolidated the code in my question which perhaps doesn't make the question clear.
Consider this:
id:theParentproperty var theElement
}@Then, in SomElement.qml:
MouseArea {
onClicked: {
}@ -
OK, I did indeed misunderstand you. While what I've stated above is still true (and when you pass an ID to JavaScript, you are passing a pointer, so it can be used elsewhere), you are right that in your example it will not work: because you are not instantiating the component in the first file.
There are at least 3 ways of going around it:
- make a signal chain that will pass your pointer along the parent-child hierarchy (this is rather tedious and error prone)
- store the pointer as a root context property/ object (requires interfacing with C++, but is otherwise very convenient)
- create a QML Singleton (this is a new baby, I think it's available in Qt 5.1 or 5.2)