Mix OpenGL and QPainter Rendering in QQuickPaintedItem or QQuickItem
is there anyway to do mixed rendering in QtQuick2 ?
I hope to access OpenGL to draw 3d stuff and also handle some common image/path drawing by QPainterlike what we can do in Qt 4.x :
"blog.qt.digia.com/blog/2011/11/21/qt-commercial-support-weekly-4-mixing-opengl-and-qpainter-qt-4-5-x-with-sun-studio-12-2/":"blog.qt.digia.com/blog/2011/11/21/qt-commercial-support-weekly-4-mixing-opengl-and-qpainter-qt-4-5-x-with-sun-studio-12-2/" -
QQuickPaintedItem inherits from QQuickItem, so I suppose you could mix QPainter and Scenegraph calls there. Don't ask me how, though...
thanks sierdzio
it looks like the OpenGL context is binded to the entire Scene Graph.
so if I want to customize 3d rendering on a specific QQuickItem( like the concept of customizing QGLwidget )
the possible approach i can think of is to use FBO then wrap as a TextureNode...any better idea ?
I think that is more or less official way right now, but I'm far from being an expert in this area.