[SOLVED]Qt Creator needs a compiler set up to build.
i am completely new to QT creator,
i wanted to build a projekt i found on the Internet but i cant do it.
I always get:"-1: error: Qt Creator needs a compiler set up to build. Configure a compiler in the kit options. "
I already downloaded about 10 Gb stuff ( Visual Basic ,MinGW...)!http://www7.pic-upload.de/04.11.13/pou6mrbobuz.png(How it Looks)!
What am i doing wrong?(sorry for this bad english)
I have Win7 64 Bit.
I can't post pictures from my computer but I'll try to be as clear as I can.
Since you seem to have three kits installed, you are probably trying to build with the wrong kit (I see you seem to have errors with the VS2012 builds).You can select a different kit to build your project by clicking on the Kit Selector icon (it looks like a computer icon) at the bottom left of the screen, just on top of the Build, Debug and Run icons.
See this for info:" http://qt-project.org/doc/qtcreator-2.8/creator-building-targets.html":http://qt-project.org/doc/qtcreator-2.8/creator-building-targets.html
Thanks for the Reply.
But i cant click anything,
I just can switch between Debug and Release.
!http://www7.pic-upload.de/04.11.13/ghl641ca869v.png(here)! -
It at leasts confirms me that it's using the wrong compiler (it tries to use your MSVC2012 configuration).
You should be able to configure the project by clicking on the Projects icon.
You are my hero!
Now i have to fix some errors but i think i can do that myself!