[Moved] Qt Creator doesn´t find my .libs in Linux.
I have been working in windows for some weeks and things seems to works. After sometime working in windows I went to linux and problems starts.
I have a multiproject. One of then is a app template and the other ones are libraries. So I have a all.pro that is a template subdirs that includes all my other projects.
TEMPLATE = subdirsDESTDIR = ../build
SUBDIRS = Database
Syncronizer \CONFIG += ordered
CONFIG += warn_on
@I have DESativated the shadows builds in the IDE and I have defined in every project the target dir and the destdir, like this:
TARGET = Database
INCLUDEPATH+= ../TypesDESTDIR = ../build
@The thing is that if I go to console I set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the right folder in which there are all my .so and it works, but if I run the application from the IDE it can't finde any .so that I create.
I have tried to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH in run settings, in build settings, but problems go on.
Any idea about how to fix this problem? I am using QT creator 2.0 but problems are the same in 1.3.
Thanks in advance for your help.
[EDIT: formatting fixed, please use @-tags for .pro snippets, Volker]
I have just fixed it, but using a workaround. I create a little bash script that set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH from console and after that open qtcreator. In this way qtcreator knows about this, but if I set up the vlbe using the IDE, it seems that qtcreator just ignore it. Perhaps a bug...
I use LD_LIBRARY_PATH on both ubuntu and fedora
Just set it in qt creator in run environment and it should work (at least for me its working with stable and rc build of creator)