Cannot build application using Qt
Hi all,
I am a newbie. I developed an application that worked on Qt 4.8.0, and am trying to port it to Qt 5.1.1. But I cannot link the application. Compiling is done successfully and thus all .o files are created. Now with the linking, it shows undefined reference to <class> : <function>
I have given LIB path correctly.. But it shows linking error with all functions in QtWebKit and QtWebKitWidgets... Please help..
Have a look at "this": and "that":
Hi Rahul Das,
Thanks for your reply. I've gone throught the links provided. Especially "this":
But when I added QT+=webkitwidgets and tried to do qmake,
I get the following errorProject ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: webkitwidgets
I saw in some forum to perform this:
sudo apt-get locate libqt5webkit5-devBut was unable to locate the same...
Also I coudnt find fixqt4headers perl script
See the this "Thread": .