QML only to Qt Quick - Remotely compiled Maemo .deb doesn't contain all resource files
I'm trying to upgrade my QML app to full Qt Quick App with help of Qt SDK 1.1 Preview but I'm having trouble:
I can run my app on Mac without problems on Simulator and as Desktop app but when I build it with remote compiler to Maemo 5 it finishes without problems and it even installs on N900 but just shows black screen when launched. The .deb file is clearly too small so that it doesn't include all images from my project.
Should remote compiling work out-of-the-box if I'll have e.g. Image in my QML with relative link to image file?
@Image { source: "pics/button.png" }@ -
I was able to build .deb package locally and it seems to work fine on N900. Locally built .deb package is 115kb and remotely 16kb. So problem is in remote compiler.
Could you please file a bug report about this at bugreports.qt.nokia.com?
Actually the remote compiler is not part of Qt Creator. We can not fix the code and have to close all issues reported in bugreports.qt.nokia.com for the remote compiler.
Bug reports for the remote compiler seem to go to this forum "here":http://discussion.forum.nokia.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?221-Qt-SDKs-and-Tools.
Sorry, for the inconvenience:-(