[solved] Accessing QML Component properties
I think there's something about scope in QML that I don't understand: when I embed a QML component in a view, how can I "see" properties of elements of the component?
For example, the Qt SDK includes the search box example where three SearchBox.qml components are used in main.qml. Each SearchBox component includes a TextInput element. I want to use TextInput.text in some JavaScript that I'll execute from within main.qml. I can't figure out how to access the element or its properties. Here's the full setup:
SearchBox.qml includes:
@TextInput {
id: textInput
anchors { left: parent.left; leftMargin: 8; right: clear.left; rightMargin: 8; verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter }
focus: true
selectByMouse: true
}@and main.qml includes:
@SearchBox { id: search1; KeyNavigation.tab: search2; KeyNavigation.backtab: search3; focus: true }
SearchBox { id: search2; KeyNavigation.tab: search3; KeyNavigation.backtab: search1 }
SearchBox { id: search3; KeyNavigation.tab: search1; KeyNavigation.backtab: search2 }
@but when I try (in main.qml) something simple like:
@Text {
id: text1
x: 56
y: 78
width: 80
height: 20
text: "contents of search box 1" + search1.textInput.text
font.pixelSize: 12
@in my main.qml file I get an undefined error. Qt Creator doesn't offer any code completion options (for search1) that seem to indicate how to do this. I tried manually forcing search1.textInput (undefined), search1.textInput.text (my initial guess, still undefined) search1.text (undefined). I even tried search1.data and search1.data.text (gives me object placeholder and undefined respectively) because code completion told me search1.data at least was a valid option.
How do I get at the contents of the search box from my main.qml?
The following main.qml works w/o issues using your SearchBox.qml:
width: 200 height: 200 Text { x: 66 y: 93 text: search1.text } Rectangle { x: 10 y: 10 color: "red"; width: 100 height: search1.height SearchBox { id: search1; } }
tks. I've got something working now. Turns out there's something about the way the rest of the SearchBox component was built that's hiding the text from main.qml. When I use your code with the component that ships with the SDK, I still get an undefined error. But since it worked for you I stripped down the SearchBox component to just the TextInput element and it works. Not pretty yet, but it works. I can start adding back elements till I see what breaks it.
[quote author="mohsen" date="1295785184"]also it's better to write like @TextInput {@ instead of @TextInput
{@sometimes it wont display properties for that object if you write like second one.[/quote]
If this is the case I would have to suggest that it is a bug and should be reported.
[quote author="kevinSharp" date="1295718328"]I think there's something about scope in QML that I don't understand: when I embed a QML component in a view, how can I "see" properties of elements of the component? ...
How do I get at the contents of the search box from my main.qml?
[/quote]The sub-elements within a component are considered private, so you'll need to define your own "public API" that exposes the properties you want to manipulate. http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qml-extending-types.html gives a good overview of how you can go about this.
Michael -
[quote author="mbrasser" date="1295830345"]
The sub-elements within a component are considered private, so you'll need to define your own "public API" that exposes the properties you want to manipulate. http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qml-extending-types.html gives a good overview of how you can go about this.[/quote]Perfect. I knew I had seen documentation about this but I couldn't find it. This explains everything.