Tab Order
I know that QML is originally designed for smartphones and tablets, but there are those of us that want to use it for desktop apps, too. So...
Is there any way to support the concept of a tab order? Ideally I would love to see it built in, but early in the life of QML, I am willing to be flexible, if there is simply any way to do it:)
you can try something like this:
@import Qt 4.7
Rectangle {
width: 200 height: 200 Rectangle { x: 10 y: 10 color: "red"; width: 100 height: search1.height TextInput { anchors.fill: parent; id:search1; search2; } } Rectangle { x: 10 y: 50 color: "yellow"; width: 100 height: search2.height TextInput { anchors.fill: parent; id:search2; search1; } }
I found this wiki on the meego web site that may help you:
Ok, now lets take this to the next level...
I have created a control that contains a number of elements that can gain focus (an address control). How is focus controlled going from the container of the control to the control and then back out?
The current screen has:
- a check box control: "Enable billing address separate from shipping address"
- the 'address control' which starts with a TextInput control named fname and ends with a TextInput control named country.
- a submit button
The focus should start on the check box control, setting the to the address control will get them to the fname TextInput.
How does the user get from the fname TextInput and backtab to the check box?
How does the user get from the country TextInput to the submit button?
How does the user get from the submit button and backtab to the country TextInput?