Changing font size on active focus
I am working on creating a custom TextInput control. Here is PART of it:
@FocusScope {
id: focusScopeproperty int pointSize: 8; TextInput { id: textInput anchors { left: parent.left; leftMargin: 8; right: parent.right; rightMargin: 8; verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } font.pointSize: focusScope.pointSize focus: true selectByMouse: true } states: [ State { name: "hasFocus"; when: focusScope.activeFocus; PropertyChanges { target: textInput; font.pointSize: focusScope.pointSize + 4 } } ]
The goal is to increase the font size by a point size of 4, but it isn't working. What am I doing wrong?
The above example gives me a point size of 12 when I click on the TextEdit and start typing. Is that what you are after? If so, it could be a case of a bug that has been already fixed (either in 4.7.1 or the upcoming 4.7.2). If not, could you describe more fully what you are after? Did you want it to increase by 4 each time it gains active focus (e.g. 12, 16, 20, etc.)?
Michael -
Very interesting, I am doing something like the qt\examples\declarative\ui-components\searchbox, so there is a Text element which is visible as long as the there is no text in the TextInput. When I added the property change to the Text element, it changed size, but the TextInput does not. I am running 4.7.1.