Prevent RMB on top of WebView
I have a Rectangle (z:999) on top of a WebView (z:1) inside a Flickable (z:2) and if I use accepted:true inside the onClicked handler then it prevents LMB and MMB events from falling through to the WebView item but not RMB events, they still cause the context menu to pop up and activate JS click events on the WebView page underneath.
How can I prevent RMB events falling through to a WebView item?
@import QtQuick 1.0
import QtWebKit 1.0Rectangle {
id: rootWindow
width: 960; height: 540
color: "#3f3f3f"Flickable {
z: 2
anchors.fill: parent
contentHeight: webView.height
contentWidth: webView.widthWebView { id: webView z: 1; url: "" preferredWidth: rootWindow.width preferredHeight: rootWindow.height }
Rectangle {
id: webMenu
z: 998; y: -144
width: parent.width; height: 144
color: "#2f2f2f"
Text {
text: "<h1>Web Menu goes here"
anchors.centerIn: parent
}Rectangle {
id: topEdge
z: 999; width: parent.width; height: 8
color: "red"; opacity: 0.01; visible: true
state: "TOPEDGE_CLOSED"MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent hoverEnabled: true //acceptedButtons: Qt.RightButton acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.MiddleButton | Qt.RightButton onEntered: parent.opacity = 1 onExited: parent.opacity = 0.01 onClicked: { accepted: true topEdge.state = (topEdge.state == "TOPEDGE_CLOSED") ? "TOPEDGE_OPEN" : "TOPEDGE_CLOSED"
console.log("topEdge clicked="+mouse.button+" ("+mouse.x+","+mouse.y+")")
}states:[ State { name: "TOPEDGE_OPEN" PropertyChanges { target: webMenu; y: 0; opacity: 0.9 } }, State { name: "TOPEDGE_CLOSED" PropertyChanges { target: webMenu; y: -144; opacity: 0 } } ] transitions: [ Transition { to: "*" NumberAnimation { target: webMenu properties: "opacity"; duration: 150 easing.type: Easing.InOutCubic } } ]
@ -
FWIW I posted a bug report here...