How to use Excel macros with parameters in Qt?
Hello boys and girls,
I am traying to find out, how I can start a Excel macro with Qt and use parameters.
At first I wrote a VBScript to open a Excel document and start this macro without parameters. Now I want a nice Qt application.
Can someone tell me, how I can do some stuff with Qt:
- update the sheets
- save the Excel document
- run a Excel macro with parameters
- close Excle
Here is my first try
QAxObject *excel = new QAxObject("Excel.Application", this);
QAxObject *workbooks = excel->querySubObject("Workbooks");
workbooks->dynamicCall("Open (const QString&)", m_excelFile);
excel->dynamicCall("DisplayAlerts(Boolean)", true);
excel->dynamicCall("Run (const QString&)", "Screenshot");
workbooks->dynamicCall("Close", true);
excel->dynamicCall("Quit", 0);
@PS: Thank you for your time and help. I am from Germany and that is the reason form my great english skills :)