QMessageBox doesn't translate the QString[Solved]
@ QInputDialog::getText(this,tr("Open"),tr("New"),QLineEdit::Normal,tr(""),&ok);@
the translator is loaded and installed but open and new
don't get translatedbut if i do this :
@//define Open and New in the mainwindow header file
QString Open,New;
//then define a new function
every time i switch the installer i call rename
QInputDialog::getText(this,Open,New,QLineEdit::Normal,tr(""),&ok);@translation works fine
Which version of Qt are you using? Do you create instance of QTranslator before the creation of the app's widgets?
hi,thanks ,i'm using 5.0.2
the problem is that i declared QTranslator ,
load the file and install it inside a function
so when it exits it destroys the transltor
so i removed the definition of the translator
to the constructor then load and install it in the functionbut don't know why it works fine with rename()
[quote author="karim24" date="1378697691"]
the problem is that i declared QTranslator ,
load the file and install it inside a function
so when it exits it destroys the transltor
so i removed the definition of the translator
to the constructor then load and install it in the functionbut don't know why it works fine with rename()[/quote]
Check "the documentation of QTranslator":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtcore/qtranslator.html and have a look at the notes:
bq. Note that the translator must be created before the application's widgets.
Btw the documentation also contains useful examples.
i solved the problem the thing is before it was like this:
@void retranslate()
QTranslator translator;//local variable gets destroyed when exiting
}@and i solved it by moving the declaration of translator to the constructor
@QTranslator translator;@and modified the retranslate() like this
@void retranslate()
}@ -
Well done :) please add prefix [SOLVED] to the title of the thread.