Cannot run my android application on the emulator
Hi all,
I have created a simple project "MyProjet" containing 3 sub-projects : "MyApp" the application which i'll run on the emulator, "MyLib" a first library that "MyApp" depends on and "MyOtherLib" a second library that "MyLib" depends on.
The application compiles and runs on Desktop. Also, the apk file is successfully created. But when i run the application i get the following error :@Your application encountered a fatal error and cannot continue@
I noticed that when creating the apk file, there is the following warning (or maybe it is an error !?) :
@Cannot find elf information@
I've looked to the logs (with adb logcat) and i found the following error :
@ ... java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "" on path: DexPathList[[],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/system/lib]] ...
@Has anyone had the same problem ? How to solve it ?
I've installed the "android-sdk_r22.0.1-linux.tgz" and the android-ndk-r8e-linux-x86_64.tar.bz2. After that, i've update sdk through "android update sdk" commands.
< * Here are some infos about my emulator :
@Device : 3.7" WVGA (480 x 800 hdpi)
Target : Android 4.2.2 - API Level 17
Memory : 512
Internal Storage : 1024 (MiB)@< * In the package configurations of my project :
@SDK Android target : android-18 (android-17 also tried)@
< * I've also checked my 2 libraries "MyLib" and "MyOtherLib" (on the right side) and "gnustl_shared", "Qt5Core", "Qt5Gui", "Qt5Widgets" (on the left side). In Deployment config : i selected Bundle Qt libraries in APK
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