Error when closing application in Qt4.8 using QDeclarative and QML
I am having some trouble when I close my application I get an error. I am defining a new QML element by QDeclarativeItem and sharing a property through Q_PROPERTY. My class looks like this:
@class PluginName : public QDeclarativeItem
Q_PROPERTY (QString pluginName READ m_sGetPluginName WRITE m_vSetPluginName)public:
//PluginPage(QDeclarativeItem* poParent = NULL);
void m_vSetPluginName (const QString& sName);
QString m_sGetPluginName () const;private:
QString m_sPluginName;
};@And in the .cpp:
@void PluginName::m_vSetPluginName (const QString& sName)
m_sPluginName = sName;
}QString PluginName::m_sGetPluginName () const
return m_sPluginName;
}@Also My .qml
@import QtQuick 1.1
import Simu 1.0Item{
id: mainWindow
objectName: "item"
}Rectangle { id: idMyWindow // unique identifier for this button
objectName: "rect"
color: "blue" // backgrond color
width: 800 // window size
height: 600
x: 10 // x-absolute position from parent <mainWindow>
y: 20 // y-absolute position from parent <mainWindow>}
I am also using "qmlRegisterType" to register my PluginName class.
If I don't use my new QML element then I don't get the heap error I wonder what is wrong :(
This is the error, I am using MSVC 2005:
"Windows has triggered a breakpoint in _visufrwk_proj.exe.
This may be due to a corruption of the heap, and indicates a bug in _visufrwk_proj.exe or any of the DLLs it has loaded.
The output window may have more diagnostic information"
Hopefully someone could share some knowledge.
Thanks in advance.