Menu items get stuck in debug
When I'm debugging an application with Qml menus I can't click anywhere else once I click on a Menu. As an example I was testing with this code in ApplicationWindow
@ menuBar: MenuBar {
Menu {
title: qsTr("File")
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Exit")
onTriggered: Qt.quit();
}Menu { title: "Test 1" MenuItem { text: "1" } MenuItem { text: "2" } MenuItem { text: "3" } } }@
If I'm running in debug and I click File, then the menu stays open until I click something within that menu. I.e. I can't click in the window, I can't mouse over to Test 1, and I can't close via windows decorations. I can move the window which ends up leaving the menu behind. This works perfectly fine if I'm not running debug.
I've also discovered the same thing happening with qmlscene. If I run the gallery example with qmlscene it works fine, but if I run qmlscene under gdb the menus don't work (become sticky).
My gdb version: GNU gdb (GDB)