STEP-BY-STEP instructions to use the kQOAuth library under windows (7) using Qt Creator
This is intended to prevent all the newbies from a world of pain.
These STEP-BY-STEP instructions represent the easiest method to get the kQOAuth library to work under windows:
1- In a web browser goto
2- Click on Download Zip button
3- In Downloads folder right click on kQOAuth-master file and extract files to your development folder
4- In Qt Creator, File>Open File or Project...
5- Select the Qt Project file in the kQOAuth-master folder that resides in your development folder
6- In the Projects tree view in Qt Creator:
6.1- Right click on the kqoauth project >set as active project
6.2- Right click on the kqoauth project > Run qmake
6.3- Right click on the kqoauth project > Build (you may encounter a few warnings concerning "test" files,
but you can ignore them)
6.4- Right click on your main project (that will use kqoauth library) >set as active project
6.5- Double-click on main project's .pro file to edit it
6.6- Use the following .pro example to modify your .pro accordingly:
@#-------------------------------------------------Project created by QtCreator 2013-08-10T22:14:26
QT += sql
QT += core gui
QT += network
CONFIG += kqoauth
greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets
TARGET = TradeBot_5
TEMPLATE = appSOURCES += main.cpp
tkstreamer.cppHEADERS += mainwindow.h
tkstreamer.hFORMS +=
INCLUDEPATH += "c:/Users/RoboSQ/Documents/Qt Projects/kQOAuth-master/include"
INCLUDEPATH += "c:/Users/RoboSQ/Documents/Qt Projects/kQOAuth-master/src"
LIBS += -L"c:/Users/RoboSQ/Documents/Qt Projects/kQOAuth-master/lib" -lkqoauthd0
}@7- Notice the INCLUDEPATHS and LIBS in the windows block (this block is here because later, blocks for platforms other than windows may be necessary); their are two important characteristics:
7.1- The slashes are forward slashes, not backslashes like normal windows path delimiters
7.2- The paths are surrounded in double quotes only because there is a space in one of the folder names
along the path, otherwise the quotes are not needed.
8- In a windows explorer navigate to kQOAuth-master/lib and copy the kqoauthd0.lib file (listed as Object
File Library) and the kqoauthd0.dll file (listed as Application Extension)
9- Paste both files into your main project directory.
10- In your .cpp file that uses the kQOAuth library type in #include <QtKOAuth>
11- In the Projects tree view in Qt Creator:
11.1- Ensure you main project is the active project as done above in step 6
11.2- Right click on the main project > clean
11.3- Right click on the main project > Run qmake
11.4- Right click on the main project > Build
12- All should build successfully.