Qt5 vc12 64 build with webkit giving unresolved for WebKit::WebProcessMainQt
Evening all,
when building Qt 5.1 with webkit on windows using vc 2012 I keep getting the following unresolved.
if I skip over building QtWebProcess.exe then it continues and builds finedoes anyone have any idea what the cause of this could be?
configure -static -release -opensource -openssl -icu -prefix C:\Development\Qt
@MainQt.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) int __cdecl WebKit::WebProcessMainQt(class QGuiApplication *)" (_imp?WebProcessMainQt@WebKit@@YAHPEAVQGuiApplication@@@Z) referenced in function main
MainQt.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) void __cdecl WebKit::initializeWebKitWidgets(void)" (_imp?initializeWebKitWidgets@WebKit@@YAXXZ) referenced in function main
....\bin\QtWebProcess.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals
jom: C:\Development\Qt\src\qtwebkit\Source\WebKit2\Makefile.WebProcess.Release [
....\bin\QtWebProcess.exe] Error 1120
jom: C:\Development\Qt\src\qtwebkit\Source\WebKit2\Makefile.WebProcess [release]
Error 2
jom: C:\Development\Qt\src\qtwebkit\Source\Makefile.QtWebKit [sub-WebKit2-WebPro
cess-pro-make_first-ordered] Error 2
jom: C:\Development\Qt\src\qtwebkit\Makefile [sub-Source-QtWebKit-pro-make_first
-ordered] Error 2
jom: C:\Development\Qt\src\Makefile [module-qtwebkit-make_first] Error 2@ -
I have the exact same error. I noticed that the static release build of WebProcessMainQt exports the missing symbol, whereas the debug build does not. The same thing goes for InitWebKitQt.lib.
I do not understand why building release or debug should influence if a symbol is exported or not. This is very odd. I looked through the .pro files and generated Makefiles and could not find any clue.