QtCreator on Windows: qmake does not exist or is not executable
I'm trying to follow the "Getting Started" guide, and ran into a problem. Let me explain the steps I took, and perhaps some of you might see what I've done wrong;
My system is Win7 64bit
- I downloaded and installed Qt 5.1.0 for Windows 64-bit (VS 2012, OpenGL, 522 MB) from here: http://qt-project.org/downloads
- I started up Qt-creator. I get no error messages or warnings.
- I started with this guide: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtdoc/gettingstartedqt.html
problem: I cannot select "Application" from templates. The only options I have are "Other projects", "Non-qt projects" and "Import projects". After some googling I found out I should go to tools->Options->Build & Run to check that qt-creator is pointing at qmake. There I run into the following problem: QtCreator finds qmake in the correct install dir, but sais "qmake does not exist or is not executable". I try running qmake directly from that dir and it definetly works. I have attached a screenshot to illustrate the problem.
Thank you for your patience (I am really new to this)!