Signals and slots run function. QT5
in general, I need to run the function on signal:
@connect (& accesManager, SIGNAL (finished (QNetworkReply *)), this, MainWindow :: someFunction (QNetworkReply *));@That just is not tried, as such a thing?
[quote author="avengerweb" date="1375945483"]That just is not tried, as such a thing?[/quote]
You need to rephrase this.
In your connect statement, you need to connect to a slot or a function pointer if you are using new connect syntax.
You need to declare your_ someFunction _ as a SLOT.
Then connect like this.
connect (& accesManager, SIGNAL (finished (QNetworkReply *)), this, SLOT(someFunction (QNetworkReply *)));
Slots can also use as normal functions.
Hi, New_Signal_Slot_Syntax and Old_Signal_Slot_Syntax can not be mixed in one connection.
Please read the documentation of QObject::connect()