DEPLOYMENTFOLDERS directive in qmake isn't documented
There are recent forum posts that require knowledge of how the DEPLOYMENTFOLDERS directive works in a qmake project file, and the answers haven't been confusing and not at all satisfactory:
"Qt Creator lookin in the wrong place for QML files":
"Packaging extra folder and files in Qt for symbian": the online qmake documentation, there is no information about this feature. Is that documented somewhere or is there a gap here? -
What also like to find documentation for qmake variables/ coomands like
- qtcAddDeployment
This has a been a source of frustration for me as well. I've been trying to determine whether qmake can copy a single file (xml configuration) from the source directory to the build directory, similar to how it copies the QML directory. The correct solution would be to include it in a resource file, unfortunately the need for the config file is driven by a 3rd party library.
At least in the case of DEPLOYMENTFOLDERS / qtcAddDeployment, these are specific to Qt Creator, not qmake. qtcAddDeployment is a conditional function, found in <qt-creator-source-dir>/share/qtcreator/templates/shared/deployment.pri , which I'm guessing is included in the project when Qt Creator calls qmake. You can find more on conditional functions at"". This function loops through the directories in DEPLOYMENTFOLDERS, and adds its files to the DEPLOYMENT variable.
DEPLOYMENT is a qmake variable, but the documentation is quite terse, mentioning it only works on Windows CE. Seems odd to only enable this functionality for a single platform. I'm hoping I can make use of the DEPLOYMENT variable to solve my problem.