How can I deploy my applicaiton in order to work on other computers (not including QT) (for Windows)
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I have read this page decided to make static build (for Windows) beacuse i have not used plugins in my app. Then i try follow this instructions;
cd C:\path\to\Qt
configure -static <any other options you need>nmake sub-src
but i couldn't
What is the "path\to\Qt" here. I have downloaded "Qt 5.1.0 for Windows 32-bit (VS 2012, 511 MB) " and there is no "configure.*" file at its installation directory. So how can i do this static build.Note: My app using some libs and dll which are compiled on MSVC 2012.
You need to download Qt source code, not the precompiled package. "Link":
You need to download Qt source code, not the precompiled package. "Link":
I believe the following thread is generally a good reference for deploying on windows: