Sql speed issue
I'm working on a project with QMYSQL connection to a mysql database. Everything works fine on local but when I connect to a remote server the speed is considerable slow -7 times slower. I tried to execute a simple query on both local and remote server and I get the same result - on remote it is too much slow. I tried to execute the same query to the same server/database using another mysql client (heidiSQL) and it woks in heidi very fast. I tried also with other client and I get good results, so the problem is not the internet speed connection. Do you have any idea from where this problem could be?Thanks,
Geanni -
What I have done was to build the mysql.pro project, copy the resulting dlls into the plugins directory then using a code like:
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QMYSQL", "DataSource1");
db.setPassword("pass");if (db.open()) { QSqlQuery q(db); qDebug()<<"before "<<QTime::currentTime().toString("mm:ss:zzz"); q.prepare("select * from table..."); q.exec(); if(q.lastError().isValid()) { qCritical()<<q.lastError().text(); } qDebug()<<"after "<<QTime::currentTime().toString("mm:ss:zzz");
Isn't it the best way to query a mysql?