Trouble with QSqlRecord class
I am creating a database with SQLite and I am trying to insert information with the QSqlRecord class but it doesn't work at all. I created a class for the database called "DatabaseManager". This class contains a QSqlDatabase object which I manipulate to create my table. I successfully create the database using QSqlQuery:
bool DatabaseManager::createNamesTable() {
bool ret = false;
QSqlQuery query;// db is the database object
if(db.isOpen()) {
ret = query.exec("CREATE TABLE names ("
"firstname VARCHAR(30),"
"lastname VARCHAR(30)"
}return ret;
Unfortunately, when I try to use the QSqlRecord class, nothing happens. It doesn't even give an error. This is the definition in the .cpp file of DatabaseManager.
void DatabaseManager::insertField(const QString &tableName, int pos, const QString &fieldName,
QVariant::Type type) {
db.record(tableName).insert(pos, QSqlField(fieldName, type));
}And in the main(), I write:
int main(int argc, char** argv)
QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);DatabaseManager db("New.db.sqlite");
if( db.createNamesTable()) {
db.insertField("names", 3, "places", QVariant::String); // here, i try to add a column called "places"
qDebug() << "Does names contain places? " << db.contains("names", "places");
I'm completely confused on what I'm doing wrong! Any form of help would be appreciated!
hi daGenie,
I think you missed this statement.
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase( "QSQLITE" );
This statement helps to get the already existed database connection object.
[quote author="Vittal" date="1373873277"]hi daGenie,
I think you missed this statement.
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase( "QSQLITE" );
This statement helps to get the already existed database connection object.[/quote]
Thanks for the reply.
That statement is in the constructor of the DatabaseManager class but unfortunately, it still doesn't work.
ok friend ,
send error report.Database connection management is easiest programming in Qt ,so its not a big problem.I always help u.
[quote author="Vittal" date="1373880559"]ok friend ,
send error report.Database connection management is easiest programming in Qt ,so its not a big problem.I always help u.[/quote]
Do you mean I should call the lastError().text() function and send the results? If that is the case, I have already tried that, and it returns an empty string which means "no error" I suppose.