Compilation error on Mac & Qt5.1.0: error: C99 support was enabled in PCH file but is currently disabled
I just moved from Qt4.7.4 to Qt5.1.0. The move required a few minor adjustments for the code, and the Windows and Linux version of my application works now with Qt5.1.0. But I am having a hard time with the Mac version and that strange error:
error: C99 support was enabled in PCH file but is currently disabled
Anyone has an idea what it means?
Thanks for any insight! -
Well, I finally found what was wrong:
The files where that happened where named "xxx.H" and "xxx.CPP". It seems that a "CPP" in capital letters is considered as a pure C-file with current compiler. Replacing "CPP" with "cpp" and "H" with "h" resolved the problem!