Fusion style with native system colors?
I want to use Qt 5.1. Until KDE isn't ported to Qt 5 yet, oxygen style doesn't work. So I want to use Fusion style as default, but why it is so vanilla? Just look at this two screens, first is Oxygen, second is Fusion:
!http://i.stack.imgur.com/xd6TE.png()!Is it possible to set more native palette for Fusion style? I can do this manually but what different color scheme?
Hi Kobid,
You can do more that this, you can create your personalized colors using
css.more help in: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/stylesheet.html this doc is for qt4.8 but works fine in Qt 5.1. You can create a .qss file and define your colors and controls appearance in this file.