Deploying Qt project to Android - project has an exe and dlls, what is the best way to get the dlls onto the android device?
Android is using a different architecture, you need to recompile the application and libraries to linux binaries. Qt 5.1 or Necessitas for Qt4 should do the job fine for you.
Evening :-) I have everything built I just do not know the best way to deploy the dlls when the exe is deployed. Other dependencies are being deployed in the resources file but I though dlls could maybe be done through some project settings or something?? (Am using Qt 5.1)
Hm, I'm sure they can, but I don't know how. I only tested Qt on Android some time ago with a very small project with no additional libraries.
anyway, some step-by-step desctiption about deployment options would be really beneficial for newbies like me... :-)
I have a running QML app on my dev. Android tablet but I just do not know how/what to deploy.
E.g. what does the three 'deploy configurations' options in Qt Creator mean?
- use Qt libraries from the device - I guess it packs just the core apps without Qt libraries and tries to use (pre)installed libs from target device
- Deploy local Qt libraries - ??? Does it mean that apk will include all necessary libs from building environment, so if apk is installed, app runs fine?
- Ministro based options looks clear but is it available for Qt 5.1? I did not find any appropriate version...
What does 'use local Qt libraries' option means there?
- "use Qt libraries from the device" == Ministro
- "Deploy local Qt libraries" == libraries will be bundled together with your app.
I think I need to refresh my Qt on Android knowledge ;)