Javascript constants not allowed in models
I tried to create a numeric keyboard and stuck at the following: I want to let every button handle its own key, so I pass this key through the model:
@Repeater {
model: ListModel {
id: model
ListElement { label: "7"; value: "7"; key: Qt.Key_7 }
...@In the button component (delegate) I use this:
@Keys.onPressed: {
if (event.key == model.key) {
event.accepted = true;
...@But the point is that it doesn't let me use Qt.Key* constants:
@file:///D:/Projects/qmlinterface/Controls/Numpad.qml:25:43: ListElement: cannot use script for property value
ListElement { label: "7"; value: "7"; key: Qt.Key_7 }
^@I could hardcode key codes as integers, but it's not really portable... What would you suggest, guys?
While this doesn't give you any immediate help, I'd suggest filing a bug report at -- the limitation is meant to prohibit bindings in ListElement, and in this case Qt.Key_7 is being incorrectly interpreted as a binding rather than a constant.
Michael -
Filled a report. Thanks.
Also got the following workaround suggestion in the qml mailing list from Gregory Schlomoff:@
function keys(c) {
var table = {key7: Qt.Key_7}
return table[c];
}Repeater {
model: ListModel {
ListElement { label: "7"; value: "7"; key: "key7" }
delegate: Text {
text: model.label + " : " + keys(model.key)
@seems to be clean and little overhead.