QtCreator doesn't accept Q_PROPERTY syntax with MEMBER keyword
As the title says, if I write the following code snipper in a C++ class, both QtCreator 2.7.2 (bundled with Qt5.1.0 final) and QtCreator2.8.0RC (built with Qt4.8.4) display the warning "expected
)' before
MEMBER'" on the line I declared the property and underlines it in red.Am I doing anything wrong or is it a bug?
Here is my code:
@class SH_InOutState : public QState
Q_PROPERTY(QString output MEMBER m_output NOTIFY outputChanged)public:
SH_InOutState(QString output, QString name, QState *parent = 0);
void outputChanged();
QString m_output;
}@Thanks in advance for taking the time to have a look at this :-)
If the code works, you are not doing anything wrong. Qt Creator probably does not know about this keyword yet.