QtGestures Application for desktop
I had installed Qt 5.0.2 for windows-64bit and when i am running a previously built example of gestures in my Qt creator i am getting the following issue
:-1: error: Qt Creator needs a compiler set up to build. Configure a compiler in the kit options.please help me with it
You need to go into your create settings (tools->options) and add a compiler to the kit, or if you don't have a compiler defined, then you'll need to add it.
Click on the build/run tab in the options and look at your kits. If you have a red ! by any of them, then you'll need to add the compiler to the kit (if thats the issue)
Note that you will need the exact same compiler version as used by Qt. So if you have qt for msvc 2010 installed, then you need MSVC 2010. Any other version will not work.
PS: The Qt mingw builds come with a matching compiler included and pre-configured. That is not possible for the MSVC builds since the redistribution of that compiler is not possible for us.
Thank u for the reply,
The built in examples are running perfectly that means compiler is ok ,
also there is no red sign as u mentioned if compiler not configured.http://www.developer.nokia.com/Community/Wiki/images/7/7f/GesturesQt.zip?20110516133231
this is the link for the example which i mentioned.
please run it on your machine and tell me whats wrong with these.