The font in QML is not smooth, in windows
qtrahul, are you sure that smoothness of fonts can depend on encoding? As for me these two things re totally unrelated.
Volker, yes. Maybe wrong graphicssystem is chosen?
winxp and win7 is the same question
font can display correctly in windows and ubuntu,
and the font look better in ubuntu than windows
you can see here
upper is in win7 ,and following is in ubuntu, at the same computer,
you can see carefully ,carefully -
Do you have Windows ClearType on?
Also, can you take your screenshots as PNG? There is crazy JPEG artifacting in the Windows image which makes it hard to compare.
I think it is all down to the operating systems rendering unfortunately. Qt doesn't mess with that.
I take shot from win7 and ubuntu at my laptop
in win7 linux
import QtQuick 1.0Item {
width: 800; height: 600
Text {
anchors.fill: parent
text: "As a boy, Chris Cooley watched his father dabble at the potter’s wheel; after his football career, he plans to keep pottery in his life.核心提示:由于上座率低,上海至北京的一趟动卧车将在2011年1月5日被全部改造成普通软卧。此前媒体曝光上海至成都的豪华动卧最贵票价达2330元,有舆论批评开出这种低上座率班次是浪费春运的运力,铁路方面则回应这是中国发展的需要。" "simhei"; font.pointSize: 30
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
@[EDIT: added @-tags for code formatting, Volker]
I've created a "bugreport": . ;)
p.s. "The guys are quite fast": (see the graph), but be patient because of the time now, I think we will soon have get some progress ;)
CreMindES, I think you chose wrong project :) Qt is more applicable for it.
CreMindES, yes, but Qt Quick != Qt Quick Components :) But i think trolls will handle it.