[Solved]Make the icons background become transparent
@import QtQuick 2.0
id : root
width : 1024
height : 768Column{ id: toolBarColumn width: 50 height: root.height Image{ id: iconImg width: 50 height: 32 fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit source: "images/emotion_fire.png" smooth: true } Rectangle{ id: background width: root.width; height: root.height gradient: Gradient { GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "gray" } GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "lightGray" } } } }
@I want to make the background of the icons become transparent, so it could have the same background color as
the background, how should I do?"icon":http://www.flickr.com/photos/92283971@N04/8908280427/
The icon is come from "fatcow":http://www.fatcow.com/free-icons
Look up opacity property for rectangle in the documentation. I am guessing you want the rectangle transparent ?
I downloaded the fatcow icons you refer to and had a look, both FatCow_Icons32x32 and FatCow_Icons16x16 icons already have transparent backgrounds.
The icon on flickr however appears to have a white background. Always make sure you use image formats that support the alpha-channel, e.g. 32bits png.If I try your example without modifications I get a screen of 1024x768, with 1024x50 white bar on top and the icon in the left corner.
It looks a bit weird to have a gradient the size of root inside a column that is only 50px in with.
Why the top 50px are white is because you use a column so it will put the image in first row and the gradient below that in the second row.Of course I do not know what you intend to build, but I would expect that the gradient will fill the complete screen, so it should be outside of the column and above it like:
import QtQuick 2.0Rectangle {
id : root
width : 1024
height : 768gradient: Gradient { GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "gray" } GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "lightGray" } } Column{ id: toolBarColumn width: 50 height: root.height Image{ id: iconImg width: 50 height: 32 fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit source: "images/emotion_fire.png" } }
@Using the code above I get a fully gradient filled main window with the icon in the left top corner and the background of the icon is transparent, so the gradient 'shines' through it.
By the way I took away the the smooth property because that only makes sense if you scale/transform the image.
Hope this will help you in the right direction.
@rocketchicken, it is not my intention, but thanks for your response
@JapieKrekel, thank you, you solve my question.