Get URLs of active Browser windows
Are there any library to get alls the active urls what are opened in a browser.
I have a certain webpage where a screenshot should be uploaded, the url looks like this: http://tld?identifier=12345
So I am trying to read that identifier. I do not want the user to input 12345 in the desktop application.
The desktop application should be smart enough to extract that information from the browser.Any idea?
Hi, Just some thought, never tested this ;-)
You need a WINApi or MacAPI to list all the given applications running on your system. Then read the API's of those browsers how to read out the given open urls. It's a lot of coding I think, so maybe there's a third party already doing this.
Good luck.
Greetz -
Or when you want to create a "browser" your self. Take a look at this:
"Qt Webkit doc":