QString to TCHAR and TCHAR*
Hi all,
I am using a dll, which takes a TCHAR and TCHAR*parameter in its functions.
and my GUI elements from QT are in the form of QString.QT uses UTF-8 encoding which has (TCHAR as WCHAR)
I have been working since hours to figure out a way to convert a QString value to TCHAR / TCHAR*
have tried many forms and types..still no joy.
please can i get a code example to convert a QString value to TCHAR / TCHAR*QString Value to TCHAR tValue
and QString Value to TCHAR* rValueThanks.
TCHAR is just typedef of char if you use ANSI or wchar_t with UNICODE.
if library needs ANSI:
TCHAR tc = string[0].toAscii();
TCHAR *tc = string.toAscii().data();
static HRESULT _C2W(const char * pszChar, wchar_t **ppszwChar)
unsigned int iRetVal = 0;
iRetVal = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,0,pszChar,-1,NULL,0);
if(iRetVal == 0){(*ppszwChar) = NULL; return E_FAIL;}
*ppszwChar = (wchar_t *) new wchar_t[iRetVal];
if((*ppszwChar) == NULL) return E_FAIL;
iRetVal = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,0,pszChar,-1,*ppszwChar,iRetVal);
return iRetVal;
}TCHAR * wc = NULL;
TCHAR w = wc[0];
@QString has function toWCharArray, but it is bugy...