Cloned QTextDocument function failure
While adding headers and footers to my printouts I ran across the following rather courious problem. When I cloned the clone of a QTextDocument several of the QTextDocument functions failed. The folliwing code fragnent illustrates the problem
int pmax=5;
int pc=0;
QTextEdit *myedit = new QTextEdit;
myedit->setPlainText(QString("K of N"));
QTextDocument *firstClone=myedit->document()->clone();
{ // limit the scope of cur for debug
QTextCursor cur(firstClone);
qDebug()<<"first clone text:"<<firstClone->toPlainText();
QTextDocument secondClone=firstClone->clone();
{ //limit the scope of cur for debug
QTextCursor cur(secondClone);
qDebug()<<"second clone text:"<<secondClone->toPlainText();
QTextDocument *secondClone=firstClone->clone();
QString temp=secondClone->toPlainText();
qDebug()<<"second clone text:"<<secondClone->toPlainText();
@The find function works perfectly on the first clone of myedit but fails on the second clone of myedit (i.e., the second clone is a clone of the first clone).
Since I am using plain text the commented out code is a viable work around but that will not always be the case so I'd like to know know if this is a bug or a misunderstanding on my part. I'd appreciate any feedback that can shed some light on this behavior.
Oh no, another stupid mistake by me. I accidently used the QTextEdit find() prototype rather than the QTextDocument prototype. Changing the while loop to include the cursor fixed the problem. For example the secondClone while loop should be:
@ while(!(cur=secondClone->find("K",cur,QTextDocument::FindCaseSensitively)).isNull())@
rather than
@ while(!(cur=secondClone->find("K",QTextDocument::FindCaseSensitively)).isNull())@Problem solved!