Is Qt Mobility comes in built with Complete Nokia SDK?
Hi everyone,
I was looking to integrate Qt Mobility1.1 with Complete Nokia SDK but after reading some posts I have come to know that Qt Mobility comes in built with it. With this much of knowledge I tried to run an Audio Recorder Example but it gave an error: qmediarecorder.h , No such file or directory.
If it doesn't come inbuilt with it then how should I proceed?Yogesh
Actually, I created a new project and copied the code of audio-recorder from Qt Mobility project Reference Documentation and then I got this error after running it.
This is the .pro file of the audiorecorder, yours should be the same:
CONFIG += exampleINCLUDEPATH += ../../src/multimedia ../../src/multimedia/audio include(../examples.pri) CONFIG += mobility MOBILITY = multimedia QMAKE_RPATHDIR += $$DESTDIR HEADERS = \ audiorecorder.h SOURCES = \ main.cpp \ audiorecorder.cpp maemo*: { FORMS += audiorecorder_small.ui } else { FORMS += audiorecorder.ui } symbian: { TARGET.CAPABILITY = UserEnvironment ReadDeviceData WriteDeviceData }
There is one more thing..I need an audio recorder in an app for a Maemo device. So I found Qt Mobility to be right choice to work with. But there is one issue with regards to Mobility1.0.x as they are not compatible enough for Maemo. Correct me if I am wrong anywhere.
- platform compatibility will not be a problem..
[quote author="nsit_yogesh" date="1293107647"] platform compatibility will not be a problem..[/quote]
yes, it should not be a problem.
Now I am getting an error after changing my .pro file":: error: No rule to make target
audiorecorder.ui', needed by
ui_audiorecorder.h'. Stop." ????? -
check if audiorecorder.ui file exists in the right path
Can you please let me know if any dependencies still needs to fulfilled like installing Gstreamer and others..?
[quote author="nsit_yogesh" date="1293112513"]Can you please let me know if any dependencies still needs to fulfilled like installing Gstreamer and others..?[/quote]
If you have not modified the example and the SDK's are installed properly it should have worked fine.
No there was no problem in installing(it was simply downloading for my Linux32 and installing by next>next..) and in fact I copied the code as it is from the examples.I was looking if there is need for audiorecorder.ui file created while creating the new project from Qt GUI Application.
Now I am getting errors like
- qmediarecorder.h: No such file or directory
2)‘QMediaRecorder’ has not been declared
3)‘QAudioEncoderSettings’ does not name a type
- qmediarecorder.h: No such file or directory
after including .ui file as described by you in the above posts
[quote author="nsit_yogesh" date="1293114510"]after including .ui file as described by you in the above posts[/quote]
I had compiled that example and it worked fine for for me. I had tried it with Nokia Qt SDK installed on Windows platform. No other changes were made.
P.S. You can edit your post. No need to post it in separate posts. It would be easier to read and understand.
Apology for the poor sense of responding..Now Firstly I have Qt on Linux and secondly can you let me know whether you compiled it by creating a new project and copying the code from reference documentation OR was there any audiorecorder example already there in SDK and you run it directly because I could not find any such example. Finally if you copied the code then can you elaborate the steps in creating the project, yes this is pretty weird but It could be a reason due to lack of knowledge currently in Qt.