QGraphicsProxyWidget and KeyNavigation - not a QDeclarativeItem?
I'm using Qt 4.8.4 on Windows and OSX. I have a QGraphicsProxyWidget that wraps a combobox.
#include <QComboBox>
#include <QGraphicsProxyWidget>
#include <QtGui/QComboBox>
#include <QtGui/QGraphicsProxyWidget>
#endifclass StdComboBox : public QGraphicsProxyWidget
Q_PROPERTY( int count READ count )
Q_PROPERTY( int currentIndex READ currentIndex WRITE setCurrentIndex NOTIFY currentIndexChanged )
Q_PROPERTY( QString currentText READ currentText NOTIFY currentTextChanged )
Q_PROPERTY( int maxCount READ maxCount WRITE setMaxCount )
Q_PROPERTY( QAbstractItemModel * model READ model WRITE setModel )
//Q_PROPERTY( bool focus READ focus WRITE setFocus NOTIFY focusChanged )
StdComboBox(QGraphicsItem *parent = 0);
virtual ~StdComboBox();int count() const; int currentIndex() const; QString currentText() const; int maxCount() const; QAbstractItemModel * model() const; bool focus() const; void setCurrentIndex( int index ); void setMaxCount( int max_count ); void setModel( QAbstractItemModel * model ); void setFocus( bool focus );
void currentIndexChanged( int index );
void currentTextChanged( const QString & text );
void focusChanged();public slots:
void onCurrentIndexChanged( int index ); void onCurrentIndexChanged( const QString & text );
void focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *event);
void focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *event);private:
QComboBox * combobox_;};
#endif // STDCOMBOBOX_H@
This renders nicely in my qml document, but I don't seem to be able to assign it to a KeyNavigation binding. I do this:
@ StdComboBox {
id: domain_combo_box
objectName: "domain_combo_box"
currentIndex: domainLoginInteraction.currentDomainIndex
anchors.left: white_rectangle.left
anchors.leftMargin: tc.midSpacing
anchors.top: security_icon.bottom
anchors.topMargin: tc.nearSpacing
anchors.right: user_name_text_input.left
anchors.rightMargin: tc.nearSpacing
height: tc.textBoxHeight
KeyNavigation.tab: user_name_text_input
KeyNavigation.backtab: previous_button
}NettoTextInput { id: user_name_text_input hintText: qsTr("Username") text: domainLoginInteraction.userName anchors.top: domain_combo_box.top anchors.right: pass_word_text_input.left anchors.rightMargin: tc.nearSpacing width: 121 KeyNavigation.tab: pass_word_text_input KeyNavigation.backtab: domain_combo_box }
...and what I see on the console is this:
bq. file:///C:/Users/tmiddleton/Documents/source/Tools/QMLTest/Resources/qml/DomainLoginInteraction.qml:104: Unable to assign QObject* to QDeclarativeItem*
I found a pointer to a type named class StdComboBox * , with the value (0x1f83020, name = "domain_combo_box", parent = 0x1f91d18, pos = QPointF(20, 55) , z = 0 , flags = ( ItemIsFocusable | ItemUsesExtendedStyleOption | ItemSendsGeometryChanges ) ) when looking for domain_combo_boxIt's true, though - QGraphicsProxyWidget ISN'T a QDeclarativeItem - it inherits from QGraphicsWidget => QGraphicsObject whereas QDeclarativeItem inherits from QGraphicsObject. So if KeyNavigation really does need a QDeclarativeItem, it won't find it with my proxy combobox. But is there something I'm missing here? What's the right way of doing this?
It sort of looks to me like I'm going to have to go through the whole business of putting a QComboBox into a QDeclarativeItem rather than a QGraphicsProxyWidget. If I've stumped the crowd here, I'm guessing that getting keyboard focus working with a QGraphicsProxyWidget would be hard.