Qt creator 2.7: no selection possible for a version control in the german distribution
I've tried to generate a new desktop project. The last point of the options is a pulldown menue with the versioncontrol. It is called in the german version "unter Versionskontrolle stellen". There is only one entry: <Kein>. Because I have no tool entry in this version I have found the options for version control under the menu item extras->einstellungen...->versionskontrolle. I could see that the correct path for svn had been configured. But I didn't get any entry of Subversion in all the menues. Does anyone know how it works. ? Thank you for an answer or hint...
You need to check the loaded plugins under "help"->"About Plugins...". You need to scroll down and check the version control entries. "SubVersion" AND "VcsBase" have to be checked.
Note: I have qt creator v2.6.x installed, but I think it is still the same.
SVN in Creator does not support creating new projects, so subversion is not offered there. Just do the initial commit on the command line and creator will pick up that subversion is in use going forward. There is a bug report open for that for a long time now, but I never got round to fix it yet. There seems to be little interest in anything but git nowadays...
You can also check out existing subversion projects.
Thank you. So I will try it.