[Solved]QT5 configure script problem in MinGW
On running the configure script for starting the build process i am getting the below error:
Administrator@VALUED-7ZSFP29H ~/qt_repo/qt5 (stable)
$ configure -developer-build -opensource -nomake examples -nomake tests-
/c/Users/Administrator/qt_repo/qt5/qtbase/configure -developer-build -opensour
ce -nomake examples -nomake testsThe build script does not currently recognize all
platforms supported by Qt.
Rerun this script with a -platform option listed to
set the system/compiler combination you use.
*** qtbase/configure exited with non-zero status.
Administrator@VALUED-7ZSFP29H ~/qt_repo/qt5 (stable)
$I tried setting the -platform as win32-g++ but that is causing the make program to crash.
I am using MinGW 4.7.2 with Msys 1.0 on windows 7 32 bit.
Can someone please guide me resolving the errir!
Hi kdk85,
The 'configure' shell script doesn't work on Windows, even if you use MSYS. Run 'configure.bat' instead.
Personally, I placed my MinGW 'bin' directory in my PATH, and always built Qt from cmd.exe instead of MSYS. I've never had any problems.
Thank you JKSH! I am able to configure now. Can you pls tell how to update the documentation "http://qt-project.org/wiki/Building_Qt_5_from_Git"!
You're welcome :)
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