A larger memory leak while using dynamic listmodel?
hello everybody.I am learning QML in Qt 5.0.2,now i try to make a simple picture viewer,
so i write a c++ class to manager the paths of picture in which directory i selected, and the listModel may be simply is:
@ VisuleListModel {
id: model
Image {
source :"xxxxxx"
Image {
and i use the ListView in this code:
@ ListView {
the application run well,but i found that the using memory is up while i flick the view,at first the using memory is about 60M, when i flick the view as many as times, the memory could up to 600M even more.
i think it's not normal, does anybody meet this situation ?sorry i am poor in english and in other's computer i can't upload the code or the snapshot
[[Added code markup, Tobias]]
sorry the code is nothing with dynamic listmodel....>"<