How to get the coordinate of QGraphicsEllipseItem's object ?
I try to get the coordinate of a moving circle that was made using QGraphicsEllipseItem on the scene, but the result always (0,0). I appreciate if there is any comment or suggestion, thank you...
... QGraphicsEllipseItem *myCircleItem = new QGraphicsEllipseItem(
myCircleItem->setFlags (QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable);scene->addItem(myCircleItem); posisiCircleX = myCircleItem->pos().x(); posisiCircleY = myCircleItem->pos().y(); qDebug() << "coordinate myCircelItem (x,y) : " << posisiCircleX <<" , "<< posisiCircleY;
@ -
and you're calling pos() also after it has been moved?
There's two things here:
The position - pos(), which you change using setPos. This is the position of the whole item relative to it's parent.And the rectangle - rect() which you change using setRect. This contains both the offset and size of the ellipse, relative to the position given.
In your case, you only specify a rectangle, therefore the position is always zero.How to use correctly:
Think about where you'd like to have the "origin point" of your ellipse or circle. In the center? In this case, use something like this:
pEllipseItem->setRect(-20.0, -20.0, 40.0, 40.0);
pEllipseItem->setPos(50.0, 80.0);@Now the center of the circle (in this case) will be at 50.0 / 80.0