QML for Symbian S60 - app is now live;)
Hi guys, just wanted to say that thanks to many of you I learned enough of QML to release two apps developed by myself.
So below are the ones done in pure QML:- "WeatherTalk":http://store.ovi.com/content/361495 (has both Symbian S60 / Symbian^3 versions)
- "AntiTheft Sentinel":http://store.ovi.com/content/358653 (Symbian^3 only)
Overall just wanted to say that some things it was super easy to do, but some things were done with workarounds;(
Looking forward to Qt 5.1+ now and will see how good Qt is for Android:) -
Great! Well done. Why don't you port your apps to Nokia N9 (and later to Jolla Sailfish OS)?